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نویسنده Nordin Amer Siddiq Amer ,Robson Noor Zurani Md Haris ,Hashim Azreen ,Habil Mohamad Hussain
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2010 - دوره : 11 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:108 -112
چکیده    Objective: this case report highlights the abuse and dependence potential of zolpidem and the risk of life-threatening withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation. method: we report a case of zolpidem dependence which presented with withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation. results: a 32 year old male, who had abused non-benzodiazepine zolpidem for 6 years presented to the accident and emergency unit with generalized seizures upon stopping zolpidem ‘cold turkey’. he required admission to the neurology high dependency unit for stabilization of the seizures and was later managed by the addiction team where a tapering dose of benzodiazepine was prescribed. conclusion: this case demonstrates that non-benzodiazepine agents can cause tolerance and dependence, and thus produce withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation
کلیدواژه Zolpidem ,abuse ,dependence ,addiction ,withdrawal ,intoxication
آدرس university of malaya, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychological Medicine, Malaysia, university of malaya, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Primary Care Medicine, Malaysia, university of malaya, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychological Medicine, Malaysia, university of malaya, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychological Medicine, Malaysia

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