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   Thrombocytopenia With Valproate and Clozapine Combination Therapy  
نویسنده Tang Charmaine ,Lee Jimmy ,Hariram Jayaraman
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2011 - دوره : 12 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:122 -125
چکیده    Objective: the occurrence of thrombocytopenia with valproate and clozapine combination therapy has not been noted in the literature. this case report highlights thrombocytopenia as a potential outcome of drug-drug interaction between valproate and clozapine, and serves to remind practitioners that regular monitoring of platelet counts is necessary in such combination therapy. method: we report on a patient on valproate therapy who developed thrombocytopenia when clozapine was added to her treatment regime. results: thrombocytopenia resolved 1 week after valproate was tailed off and the patient was placed on clozapine monotherapy. conclusions: a precise pathophysiologic understanding of valproate and clozapine-induced thrombocytopenia is lacking, and further studies are required
کلیدواژه Thrombocytopenia; Valproate; Clozapine
آدرس Institute of Mental Health, Department of General Psychiatry 1, Singapore, Institute of Mental Health, Department of General Psychiatry 1, Singapore, Institute of Mental Health, Department of General Psychiatry 1, Singapore

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