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   The Prevalence of Orgasmic Dysfunction Among Malaysian Women Receiving Antidepressant: A Comparison Between Escitalopram and Fluoexetine  
نویسنده Hod Rozita ,Ahmad Duni Asmindar ,Guan Ng Chong ,Sidi Hatta
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2011 - دوره : 12 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:3 -13
چکیده    Objective:to investigate the prevalence of female orgasmic dysfunction (fod) focusing on the orgasm domain among female patients attending ppukm psychiatric clinic. to compare the prevalence of orgasmic dysfunction between female patients on escitalopram and on fluoxetine therapy.methods:a validated questionnaire for sexual function was used to assess orgasmic function. a total of 112 women aged between 24 and 57 participated in this study. the orgasmic dysfunction was compared between patients on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssris) fluoxetine and escitalopram.results:the prevalence of female orgasmic dysfunction was 58.9% (33/56) among patients treated with fluoxetine and 41.1% (23/56) among patients treated with escitalopram. however, there was no statistically significant difference between these two treatment groups (p=0.059). the odds to have fod among patients on higher dose of antidepressants was found to be higher compared to those patients who were on lower dose of antidepressants (odds ratio 5.32, p= 0.001).conclusions:there was no significant difference of female orgasmic dysfunction between patients on fluoxetine and escitalopram
کلیدواژه Orgasmic dysfunction ,Malaysian women ,antidepressant treatment
آدرس Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Department of Community Medicine, Malaysia, Hospital Melaka, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia, university of malaya, Department of Psychological Medicine, Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Department of Psychiatry, Malaysia

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