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   Epilepsy – A Cross-Cultural Perspective  
نویسنده Goh Shih Ee ,Ng Beng Yeong
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2013 - دوره : 14 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:187 -189
چکیده    Objective: this paper aims to highlight the impact of cross-cultural factors on the practice of psychiatry. methods: using epilepsy as an example, this paper strives to emphasise the challenges that lack of understanding of cultural factors may bring about and also how they may be overcame. results: an examination of the names that epilepsy is known by in the different languages of the region shows the possible misconceptions associated with this disease. currently, application of culture to psychiatric practice and training is arguably poor, often being relegated to the fringes. conclusion: when practicing in a region of diverse cultural backgrounds, it is of particular importance to understand cultural differences and its role in facilitating effective diagnosis and management. through this paper, it is hoped that there will be greater awareness of the need for cultural competence, especially in the training of a new generation of doctors
کلیدواژه Culture ,Epilepsy ,Stigmatisation
آدرس National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore, Singapore General Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Singapore

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