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   The Prevalence of Internet Addiction Among the Students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences  
نویسنده Mashaei Naffise ,Asadpour Mohammad ,Pourrashidi Boshrabadi Ahmad ,Rezahosseini Omid ,Ayatollahi A. ,Bidaki Reza ,Arab BaniAsad Fatemeh
منبع asean journal of psychiatry - 2013 - دوره : 14 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:109 -116
چکیده    Objective: internet addiction is defined as mismanagement of internet use that causes mental, social and occupational problems. thus, the assessment of prevalence of this disorder can lead to preventive measures and appropriate treatment to prevent its spread. methods: in this cross-sectional study, prevalence of internet addiction disorder was assessed in rafsanjan university of medical sciences, rafsanjan, iran in 2012. stratified random sample was used to select 224 students. demographic data were recorded and internet addiction test test (iat) questionnaire was administrated. results: out off 224 students participating in the study, 86 (38.4%) were males and 138 (61.6%) were female with a mean age of 21.05± 0.1 years. most of the students (42.4%) were using the internet under one hour and the lowest (4%) more than six hours. mean test score of iat was 24.81 ± 1.08 (mild addiction). in terms of internet addiction, 95 (42.4%) cases were normal users, 115 (51.3%) had mild addiction, 12 (5.4%) showed moderate addiction and 2 (0.9%) were cases of severe addiction which are lower compared to previous studies. conclusion: the rate of internet addiction among students of rafsanjan university of medical sciences in iran is lower than the previous reports. it is still necessary to curb the spread of this problem due to its complications
کلیدواژه Prevalence ,Internet Addiction ,Rafsanjan ,Students
آدرس yazd shahid sadoghi university of medical sciences, ایران, rafsanjan university of medical sciences, ایران, rafsanjan university of medical sciences, ایران, rafsanjan university of medical sciences, ایران, rafsanjan university of medical sciences, ایران, rafsanjan university of medical sciences, ایران, rafsanjan university of medical sciences, ایران

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