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   A Case of Status Epilepticus Due to Topical Lidocaine Toxicity: A Case Report and Review of the Literature  
نویسنده hakemi arman ,rezvani kakhki behrang ,sadrzadeh majid ,vafadar moradi elnaz
منبع journal of pediatrics review - 2022 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:57 -60
چکیده    Background: lidocaine hydrochloride is an acetamide derivative that was first introduced bynils löfgrene in 1943. it is a local anesthetic agent that is widely used in order to prepare thepatient for repairing lacerations in everyday practice. neurological toxicities have been reportedwith systemic and topical lidocaine.methods: an eight-year-old female child was reported with a pure laceration who developedstatus epilepticus after receiving lidocaine along with ketamine. the patient had no medicalhistory of epilepsy or allergic reaction and had a normal physical and mental development status.she received 200 mg lidocaine without epinephrine and underwent wound repair. the patientalso received 60 mg of intramuscular ketamine in order to produce relative sedation. after anhour of wound repair, she developed a tonic-colonic generalized seizure representative of statusepilepticus seizure. the convulsions were managed by benzodiazepines, and the patient wasdischarged without complicationconclusions: status epilepticus can happen due to lidocaine. although patients usually recoverwith no major complications, obeying safety protocols can prevent these events.
کلیدواژه Seizure ,Statues Epilepticus ,Lidocaine
آدرس mashhad university of medical sciences, school of medicine, department of emergency medicine, Iran, mashhad university of medical sciences, school of medicine, department of emergency medicine, Iran, mashhad university of medical sciences, school of medicine, department of emergency medicine, Iran, mashhad university of medical sciences, school of medicine, department of emergency medicine, Iran

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