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   مسئولیت مدنی رسانه ها در قبال نقض حریم خصوصی در حقوق ایران و انگلستان  
نویسنده اصلانی زینب ,جعفری علی ,سلمان زاده جعفر
منبع جامعه، فرهنگ و رسانه - 1402 - دوره : 12 - شماره : 46 - صفحه:131 -155
چکیده    حریم خصوصی به عنوان یکی از عینی‌ترین و ارزشمندترین مفاهیم نظام‌های حقوقی توسعه یافته است و ارتباط تنگاتنگی با کرامت انسانی دارد ولی در نظام حقوقی کشورها اختلاف نظراتی در تعریف این حق وجود دارد چرا که این موضوع به شدت به فرهنگ و محیطی که در آن عمل می‌کنند، بستگی دارد. علاوه بر دولت‌ها، رسانه‌های عمومی نیز در راستای حفظ حریم خصوصی اشخاص مسئولیت دارند و باید مطابق قوانین لازم عمل نمایند و از نقض این حریم به بهانه‌های مختلف خودداری کنند و در صورت نقض آن و ورود خسارت به اشخاص جبران خسارت نمایند. خسارات ناشی از حریم خصوصی غالبا جنبه معنوی دارند. قواعد مسئولیت مدنی، زیان‌های ناشی از نقض حریم خصوصی داده‌ها را پوشش می‌دهد. ضمن تحمیل مجازات‌های مالی و جبران ضررهای ناشی از فعل زیانبار برای زیان دیده و تنبیه رسانه، فرصت لازم جهت حضور در عرصه های فرهنگی به رسانه مربوطه داده خواهد شد. در این راستا به نظر می‌رسد تدوین قانون جامع در باب مسئولیت مدنی در رسانه‌های گروهی ضروری است. در مقاله حاضر سعی بر این است با استفاده از روش اسنادی - کتابخانه ای مسئولیت مدنی رسانه‌ها در حقوق ایران و انگلستان مورد بحث و بررسی قرار گیرد.
کلیدواژه رسانه، حریم خصوصی، مسئولیت، خسارت، فضای سایبر
آدرس دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اردبیل, ایران, دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اردبیل, گروه علوم ارتباطات, ایران, دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی, گروه حقوق, ایران
پست الکترونیکی salmanzadeh1363@gmail.com
   civil liability of the media for violating privacy in iranian and british law  
Authors aslani zeynab ,jafari ali ,salman zadeh jafar
Abstract    the spread of advanced technologies and tools, especially in the field of digital media, which provide the possibility of spying on other people’s affairs easily, has created concerns about the loss of some legitimate expectations through privacy violations. privacy is a realm of people’s lives that a human being, understanding the norms of the society, does not allow to violate in any situation. this right is the individual’s right to control and regulate his personal activities and private and confidential decisions without external interference, observation or aggression, which also includes his confidential and private information. the purpose of this article is to compare the media’s civil responsibility for privacy violations in the laws of iran and england, and for this purpose, it is organized with a descriptive and analytical approach. findings from the comparative analysis of iranian and english law show that the theory of fault has been accepted in iranian law.in iranian law, despite the protection of some examples of privacy, and the general treatment of it in the principles of the constitution, this issue has not been comprehensively addressed. and the legal protection of privacy is scattered and case-by-case, and these protections are not complete. certain laws, such as the press law and the electronic commerce law, provide privacy protections. also, the important jurisprudential rule of harmlessness can be considered as the basis of civil responsibility in this field. according to the rule, the privacy of individuals cannot be violated, except as prescribed by the law or with the consent of the individuals themselves. so, if the media causes damage to people, they must compensate. and despite all the merits of the protective approach scattered in various laws of our country, although islamic sources are the source of the compilation of iran’s laws and are rich from this point of view, the legislature has not made sufficient use of it. one of the most important shortcomings in the protection of privacy effects is the lack of an independent protective law, the lack of identification of some cases of gross privacy violations, such as the unauthorized production of images and non-material violation of spatial privacy.now, compared to iran, england’s supportive approach is much more favorable in some aspects, especially the privacy of communications, information and data. the records in the legal system of this country show that the court has considered compensation for privacy violations in some cases, but there is no explicit guarantee for the right to privacy in this country, and the european convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms is still not applied in english law. the courts have determined punishments in the issued votes by using the rules established for other purposes and some violations of the media. the legislature of this country has focused on following and harmonizing its legal provisions in the field of respecting the private life of individuals with international standards. data, and in this passage, he explained the regulations regarding the cases of legal interception in the field of privacy of communications, and fully anticipated and supported the principles and rights of using data, and also tried to comprehensively explain the cases regarding the interferences caused by it has put the public domain in contact with the privacy domain and has explicitly accepted the rule of invalidation for the reason of illegitimate violation of privacy.the conclusion of the research showed that the approval of the independent protection law, the legal clarification of the concept and standard of cleanliness and the identification of privacy from public privacy, the resolution of ambiguity and regulation of interventions resulting from the confrontation of the public sphere with the private sphere, and the explanation of preventive methods in the face of violent behavior in the field privacy is very important. approval and clear legal clarification regarding the demarcation of the exercise of sovereign authority and citizen’s rights, especially in the face of international and virtual media and state media regarding the privacy of individuals, according to principles 22-23 and 25 of the constitution and the dynamic jurisprudence of the imamiyyah. under the civil rights law with a view to the freedom of information law. therefore, sometimes the exercise of sovereign authority can appear to be different from the protection of privacy due to the rights of citizens. according to the principles of the constitution and the text of the holy quran and hadith and the jurisprudential nature of the laws, this demarcation can be authorized so that both the domestic and international media, as well as individuals and judicial and security agents, can get a clear picture of the framework by referring to it. have their functions legally. especially in interactive media where privacy violations can include a range of media - governance and individuals at the same time.

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