کاربست نظریۀ کنشگر-شبکۀ برونو لاتور در خوانش مفهوم «فضا»
حاتمی نژاد حسین ,پوراحمد احمد ,زنگنه شهرکی سعید ,کانونی رضا
برنامه ريزي فضايي (جغرافيا) - 1402 - دوره : 13 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:79 -106
فضا همیشه در رشتههای مختلف علمی ازجمله جغرافیا محل اندیشهورزیها و نظریهپردازیها بوده است و اندیشمندان و صاحبنظران هریک از منظری به فضا نگریستهاند. در پژوهش حاضر سعی بر آن شده است تا خوانش مفهوم فضا ازمنظر نظریۀ کنشگر-شبکۀ برونولاتور نگریسته شود تا بتوان خوانشی نوین از مفهوم فضا را به دست آورد. هدف از این پژوهش شناسایی کاربستهای نظریۀ کنشگر-شبکه در خوانش مفهوم فضا و نیز گسترش افقهای نوین با استفاده از نظریههای فکری–فلسفی جدید در نگاه به فضاست. پژوهش حاضر جزء پژوهشهای بنیادی است که براساس شیوۀ تحلیلی انجام شده است. ماخذ این پژوهش برای کشف کاربستها، نظریۀ کنشگر–شبکۀ برونو لاتور است. در این مطالعه اطلاعات بهصورت رجوع به متون دست اول (لاتور، لاو و کالن) و دست دوم (مقالهها، پایاننامهها و کتابهایی که در سالهای اخیر دربارۀ نظریۀ کنشگر-شبکه نوشته شده است) و نیز با نمونهگیری از متن بهصورت هدفمند گردآوری شد. نظریۀ کنشگر-شبکه با رد ذاتگرایی و دوگانۀ طبیعت / جامعه از عاملیت کنشگران غیرانسانی به همراه انسان دفاع میکند و معقتد است که کنشگران انسانی بر کنشگران غیرانسانی برتری ندارند و تمامیت در دست هیچ کدام از آنها نیست. کاربست نظریۀ کنشگر-شبکه در خوانش مفهوم فضا منتج به نتایجی چون پذیرش اصل تعلیق در شناخت فضا، فضا بهمثابۀ سینتگم، تولید جمعیبودن فضا، فازیشدن فضا، چندرگهبودن فضا، فضا بهمثابۀ شبکه و فضا بهمثابه جعبۀ سیاه را به دست داده است.
کنشگر-شبکه، برونو لاتور، فضا، بنیادی
دانشگاه تهران, دانشکدۀ جغرافیا, گروه جغرافیا و برنامهریزی شهری, ایران, دانشگاه تهران, دانشکدۀ جغرافیا, گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری, ایران, دانشگاه تهران, دانشکدۀ جغرافیا, گروه جغرافیا و برنامهریزی شهری, ایران, دانشگاه تهران, دانشکدۀ جغرافیا, ایران
پست الکترونیکی
application of the actant-network theory of bruno latour in reading the concept of space
hataminejad hossein ,pourahmad ahmad ,zanganeh shahraki saeed ,kanooni reza
abstract:background: space has always been a place of thinking and theorizing in various scientific fields, including geography. each scholar looks at space from a different perspective. in the meantime, in the present research, an attempt has been made to study the reading of the concept of space from the perspective of the actant-network theory and to obtain a new reading of the concept of space.objective: the aim of the current research is to identify the applications of the actant-network theory in reading the concept of space and also to expand new visions by using new intellectual-philosophical theories in looking at space.research methods: the current research is a part of basic research and it is done based on the analytical method. the source of this research to discover applications is bruno latour’s (1996) actant-network theory. in this study, the data were collected by referring to main texts and secondary materials (articles, theses, and books written in recent years about the actor-network theory) by sampling the texts (in a targeted manner). the purpose of sampling here is to theorize applications, not statistical generalization.research findings: the actant-network theory defends the agency of non-human actors along with humans by rejecting essentialism as well as nature/society duality and believes that human actors are not superior to non-human actors and the whole is not in the hands of any of them. the application of the actant-network theory in the reading of the concept of space results in the acceptance of the principle of suspension in the knowledge of space, space as a syntagm, collective production of space, fuzzification of space, and multifaceted space. it considers space as a network and a black box.keywords: actant-network, bruno latour, space, fundamental. introductionspace has different definitions from the point of view of different sciences, including architecture, psychology, sociology, political science, urban planning, economics, philosophy, physics, and some other disciplines, and each discipline looks at the category of space from a specific perspective. all experts and thinkers are looking for an answer to the question of what space is. they have thought and presented different theories, but due to the complexity of the nature of space, there are still many disputes over the definition of space. in this research, an attempt is made to apply bruno latour’s (1996) actant-network theory in reading the concept of space.what is latour’s answer to the question of space? and what are the ontological differences between latour’s actant-network theory in explaining the concept of space and other theories about space? the actant-network theory, which somehow has tried to separate its way from different schools and approaches (of course, this does not mean a complete break with other theories and schools) and has many ontological and epistemological differences with them, can provide us a new perspective on the concept of space. so far, according to the mentioned sources, the views that have been presented on the concept of space, such as the absolute space of nionetti to lefebvre’s spatial trialectics, show the dispersion of approaches and viewpoints related to this concept. in this study, we aim to study bruno latour’s direction and whether his theory has similarities with the most important approaches and ideas about space. materials and methodsthe current research is a part of basic research and it is done based on the analytical method. the data were collected using first-hand sources (e.g. latour, 1996) and second-hand texts (articles, theses, and books written in recent years about the actant-network theory). in order to achieve theoretical richness, the texts and sources are referred to several times to extract the key points that exist in the theory and from which the applications of the theory in reading the concept of space can be concluded. it was also tried to analyze and examine the differences and similarities between the concept of space from the perspective of the actant-network theory and other approaches and theories around the concept of space. research findingsthe results of the study show that the actant-network theory defends the agency of non-human actors along with humans by rejecting essentialism as well as nature/society duality and believes that human actors are not superior to non-human actors and the whole is not in the hands of any of them. the application of the actant-network theory in the reading of the concept of space results in the acceptance of the principle of suspension in the knowledge of space, space as a syntagm, collective production of space, fuzzification of space, and multifaceted space. the theory considers space as a network and a black box. discussion of results and conclusionswhat can be generally taken from bruno latour’s actant-network theory in the reading of the concept of space is that latour is against any presuppositions regarding space and in dealing with space (principle of suspension). instead of facing the space with a fixed presupposition and looking for signs to prove our presupposition of the space (which is not accepted by the actor-network theory), latour suggests that we should allow the actors to express themselves. how can we describe the space? based on the teachings of actor-network theory, we should not look for a definite answer to this question. due to the philosophical nature of this question, we should not turn it into an endless dispute. rather, it is better to look for a way to face the description of the space in a way that we can. after identifying the actors, links, connections, and negotiations that take place in the concept, we should look for the lack of links and connections within the network that have caused problems so that we can help expand the network and make it stronger by connecting and re-linking the actors and resetting them. as latour believes “everyday practice does not need any theorizing to reveal its underlying structure... practice does not lack anything”. this means that there is no need to impose a model from space to space. the responsibility of the actant-network researcher is not how the space actors should reason or act, s/he should understand how they (the actors) reason or act.
actant-network ,bruno latour ,space ,fundamental