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   دراسة الحقول الدلالیة للعذاب والاجر فی سورة البقرة بناء على سیمیائیة الخطاب المتوتر  
نویسنده بختیاری فاطمه ,مشکین فام بتول ,شعیری حمید رضا
منبع آفاق الحضارة الاسلامية، اكاديمية العلوم الانسانية و الدراسات الثقافية - 2021 - دوره : 24 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:101 -134
چکیده    تهدف هذه الدراسة الی شرح جدید لمعنى «العذاب» و «الاجر» فی سورة البقرة، بناءً على «الحقول الدلالیة» لایزوتسو والتی ترکّز علی تحدید الکلمات الصمیمة والمفتاحیة و«عملیات الخطاب» المبنیة على سیمیائیة الخطاب المتوتر. هاتان الکلمتان لهما رموز وتعبیران عن شفرات اعطاها الله للبشر على هیئة قوانین لمعرفة الهدایة من الضلال. لقد سعت الدراسة الی الاجابة عن هذا السوال: کیف تشکّل المقولات مافوق اللغة لکلمتی العذاب والاجر مع اساس تغییر الحیاة البشریة وتسبّب البوس والسعادة من خلال المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی. اظهرت دراسة انماط التوتر فی الآیات المتعلقة بمجالی العذاب والاجر ان العوامل الادراکیة والعاطفیة الموجودة فی خطاب سورة البقرة تتفاعل مع بعضها البعض وتخلق المعنى فی جو متوتر. اضافةً الى ذلک، فان الرسم البیانی للتوتر فی نطاق الکلمات الصمیمة للعذاب والاجر متقارب ومتزاید. فی نظام التوتر علی سبیل المثال یتمّ تکوین قیمة تسمى الاجر بالنسبة للمومنین بناء علی الادراک الحسی والعاطفی، ایضا علی العلاقة بین الهروب من الدنیا والتمسک بحبل الله، وتتکون للکفّار النقطة القیمة التی هی العذاب حسب نزعتهم المادیة وخوضهم فی الملذات الدنیویة وعدم اهتمامهم بالآخرة. النموذج المتصور لکلا المجموعتین متجانس وغیر متجانس. فی بدایة الآیات 13، لوحظ نمط التوتر التصاعدی، ولکن فی باقی الآیات، لوحظ النمط النزولی ایضا اضافة الی النوع التصاعدی.
کلیدواژه الحقول الدلالیة، العذاب، الاجر، سیمیائیة الخطاب المتوتر، سورة البقرة
آدرس جامعه الزهراء(س), فرع اللغه العربّیه وآدابها, ایران, جامعه الزهراء(س), قسم اللغه العربیه وآدابها, ایران, جامعه تربیت مدرس, قسم اللغه الفرنسیه وآدابها, ایران
پست الکترونیکی shairi@modares.ac.ir
   Investigating the Semantic Domains of Torment and Reward in Surah Al-Baqarah Based on Tension Patterns  
Authors Meshkinfam Batool ,Bakhtiari Fatemeh ,Shairi Hamid Reza
Abstract    The purpose of this article is to provide a new explanation for the meaning of “torment” and “reward” in Surah AlBaqarah, according to Izutsu’s “semantic domain” based on determining the key and focal words, and “discourse processes” based on tension relations. Semantic domain means a set of semantic relations in the frame and mental structure of concepts. Each language system has its own set of words. Each keyword, along with others, forms a complex network of words, which in semantics is called the “semantic domain”. In Quranic studies, each semantic field in concurrent studies consists of a “focal word” and several “keywords” that together with the subwords form a complex network of words. This network’s words are closely related to the focal word. The focal word is a special word that plays the central role in the semantic field. The imaginary domain is formed around it. Along with focal words, there are words as keywords that explain the semantic category, and like cluster seeds around the focal word, these keywords contain synonyms, antonyms, and instances of that word. In this article, the focal word “torment” is introduced in the semantic field of punishment, and “reward” in remuneration. These two words are as prototypes around which keywords are formed. We show, in a descriptiveanalytical way, how transcendental categories of punishment and reward provide the basis for changing life and cause misery and happiness. By studying the semantic domains and tension systems patterns in Surah AlBaqarah, it is proved that there is a close relationship between Izutsu’s categorization and the tension system. Studying the focal words showed that these words are not just terms, rather they are selected in the coding form and presented as two linguistic categories. In addition to the first level, which is the descriptive level, words have a second level called metalanguage, which makes the meaning of these words well imprinted in mind and conveys the exact meaning. These are codes to recognize guidance from misguidance, given by God to humans. The results showed that the focal word in the discussion of remuneration in Surah AlBaqarah is the word “reward”. The significant point about this word is that it is mentioned along with words which indicate the specificity of the reward from God and the absence of fear, sorrow and grief among the believers. The focal word in the discussion of punishment is the word “torment”, which has a nominal form with attributes such as great, heavy, severe and more severe in all cases. The common point of these compounds is the severity, magnitude, strictness and pain of the torment, which fluctuate from low to high. So these focal words – torment and reward – can be seen in tension axis of increasing and convergent type. The results indicate the dynamics of discourse, the action is “good” and “bad”, in action system the believer leaves the negative state to the positive for divine reward, and it’s conversely for the infidels. In tension system, a value is formed for believers based on sensory and emotional perception and relationship between worldliness and moving towards the divine string, and the infidel suffers punishment due to the eclecticism between apostasy and worldliness. Imaginary pattern for both groups is convergent and heterogeneous stress. There is an ascending pattern of tension in verses 13, but descending in others

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