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   دور الامکانیّة الجغرافیّة فی تطوّر وازدهار خوزستان التجاری فی القرون الاولى للاسلام  
نویسنده احمدوند فاطمه ,خضری سید احمدرضا ,تابش یعقوب
منبع آفاق الحضارة الاسلامية، اكاديمية العلوم الانسانية و الدراسات الثقافية - 2021 - دوره : 24 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:1 -38
چکیده    یتناول هذا البحث اهم الممیّزات الجغرافیّة فی محافظة خوزستان خلال فترة ما بین القرن الاوّل حتى القرن الخامس الهجری، منها: توزیع السکّان والمهاجرین، والکثافة السکّانیّة، وشبکات الطرق المرتبطة بها، کالطرق البرّیّة والبحریّة، والدور الاساسی لهذه العناصر فی نمو الزراعة وازدهار الصناعة فی هذه المحافظة وایضا التکوین الاقتصادی القائم على تصدیر منتجات کالسکّر والمنسوجات المختلفة فی المحافظة آنذاک؛ ویُظهر مدى تاثیر المدن التجاریّة والتجّار والاسواق وطرق تواصل هذه المحافظة مع المحافظات المجاورة على التجارة. ومن ناحیةاخرى، اوضحت الدراسة مدى ثروة محافظة خوزستان فی احصائیّات الضرائب ومقارنتها مع المحافظات الاخرى. تعتمد هذه الدراسة فی جمع بیانات الجغرافیا الاسلامیّة، على منهج البحث المکتباتی وتتّخذ اسلوب التاریخ التحلیلی؛ وهنا یتّفق نهج التحلیل مع منهج مدرسة الحولیّات؛ خاصّة دراسة التاثیراتالجغرافیّة التی ظهرت سابقاً فی کتاب فرناند برودیل الشهیر؛ ای المتوسط والعالم المتوسط فی عهد فیلیب الثانی.
کلیدواژه التاریخ الاقتصادی، خوزستان، مدرسة الحولیّات
آدرس جامعه الامام الخمینی(ره) الدولیه, قسم التاریخ وحضاره الامم الاسلامیه, ایران, جامعه طهران, قسم التاریخ وحضاره الامم الاسلامیه, ایران, جامعه حکیم سبزواری, قسم تاریخ التشیع, ایران
پست الکترونیکی y.tabesh@hsu.ac.ir
   The Feasibility Role of Geography in the Commercial Prosperity of Khuzestan during the First Islamic Centuries  
Authors Khezri Ahmad Reza ,Ahmadvand Fatemeh ,Tabesh Yaqub
Abstract    This article studies the main geographical features of Khuzestan province, especially populations and migrants, the density of cities and the complexity of roads related to them, including land and water roads, in order to show the underlying role of these elements in the flourishing agriculture and industry in this land. By these geographical capacities, the economic formation based on the export of products such as sugar and textiles and the impact of commercial cities, traders, markets and communication routes of this land to neighboring areas came into being. Then, the article by studying tax statistics of Khuzestan and comparing these statistics with other provinces of Iran during the period under study, i.e., the first to fifth centuries AH, the wealth of Khuzestan province compared to other provinces has been explained. One of the features of this research has been the use of a large volume of reports of geographical and historical sources about the wealth of Khuzestan and the density of its cities. In order for this large amount of data not to deviate the volume of the article from the ideal form of a research paper, an attempt has been made to present these data in a concise form in the form of tables: five tables of cities and homogeneity, analysis of the ratio of cities, ways and taxes of Khuzestan and tax tables of other provinces of Iran are the same part of compressing historical and geographical data presented in the article and making it possible to achieve constructive analyses based on historical facts. The data collection method of this library research has been historical with the benefit of Islamic geography and its method. The basis of data analysis is the studying model of the school of annual historiography, especially the geographical feasibility approach, and for the thematic framework, the famous work of Fernan Brodel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, has been exploited. In other words, although the study area of Brodel’s work was much wider than the geography studied in this article and on the other hand, the range of some statistical sources in Mediterranean geography in Khuzestan geography studied in this article did not exist, but the research model is similar to each of the two regions. By emphasizing the commercial similarities between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf, the authors of this article have tried to present an Oriental model of Mediterranean study in much shorter dimensions than the work of Brodel. However, it should be acknowledged that the nature of many research sources on Khuzestan in the historical period in this study is different from the sources on Mediterranean life, although this article has finally been able to be a comparative model of studying to that of Brodel, but in an Eastern land. In general, this research has provided an analyticalhistorical narrative of the amount of wealth produced and circulated in Khuzestan in the historical period in question and has been able to read the role of geographical agency in it to a considerable extent.

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