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   predicting behavior and intention to knowledge sharing in postgraduate students based on the theory of planned behavior  
نویسنده momayyezi mahdieh ,fallahzadeh hossein ,mohebinia fatemeh ,anoosheh vida sadat
منبع future of medical education journal - 2019 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:66 -71
چکیده    Background: knowledge sharing in university environments is essential and students' behavior is evaluated based on their beliefs, norms and attitudes. the theory of planned behavior is one of the most valuable behavior prediction models that can be used to examine the ideas, values, and attitudes in the context of knowledge sharing behavior. considering the role of academics, especially postgraduate students in knowledge sharing, this study conducted with the aim of evaluating knowledge sharing behavior based on the theory of planned behavior among postgraduate students. methods: this descriptive study was conducted on 120 postgraduate students in school of public health of shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences through stratified sampling method in 2018. the data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with confirmed reliability and validity. the data including descriptive statistics, pearson correlation, anova, independent t-test and linear regression were analyzed by spss/16. results: the results showed that correlations between knowledge sharing behavior and intention in the theory of planned behavior constructs were statistically significant. the theory of planned behavior constructs explained 31.5% of the variances in knowledge sharing behaviors and 42.1% of the variances in knowledge sharing intention. additionally, the subjective norms and attitudes were the strongest predictor for behavior and intention respectively. conclusion: in designing interventions aimed at improving knowledge sharing in universities, initially subjective norms should be addressed, and then the student's intention towards knowledge sharing should be examined. so, the theory of planned behavior may be used as a framework for educational interventions to improve knowledge sharing behaviors.
کلیدواژه behavior ,knowledge ,intention ,theory of planned behavior
آدرس shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, prevention and epidemiology of non-communicable disease research center, school of health, iran, shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, research center of prevention and epidemiology of non-communicable disease, school of public health, iran, shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, school ofhealth, departmentof ergonomy, iran, shahid sadoughi university of medical sciences, school of health, department of ergonomy, iran
پست الکترونیکی v.s.anoosheh@gmail.com

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