The Impact of Multimedia Education on Knowledge and Self-efficacy among Parents ofChildren with Asthma: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Zarei Ahmad Reza ,Jahanpour Faezeh ,Alhani Fatemeh ,Razazan Najmeh ,Ostovar Afshin
journal of caring sciences - 2014 - دوره : 3 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:185 -192
Introduction: asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases amongchildrenand is considered as a global health problem. according to the guidelines ofchildhoodasthma, parental education in order to improve their knowledge andself-efficacyshould be considered in clinical care. therefore, this study wasperformed with the purpose of investigating the influence of multimedia education onknowledge and selfefficacy among parents of children with asthma. methods: this studyis a clinical trial which was carried out on 50 parents of childrenwith asthma. threeinstruments, i.e. demographic information, assessing knowledgeand self-efficacy amongparents of children were administrated to collect the required data sets. reliabilityand validity of the instruments were assessed and the multimediaeducation was carriedout for the experimental group. data analysis was done using spss 13 and descriptiveinferential statistical tests (independent t-test and mannwhitney). results: historyof asthma was present in majority 52% among families of the children and 54% reportedsmoking in their home. the average scores of knowledgeand self-efficacy in theexperimental group showed an increase after multimedia education methods, so thatthere was a statistically significant difference between the experimental and controlgroups. conclusion: the results obtained in this study also demonstrate that educatingparentsthrough multimedia technology increase their knowledge and self–efficacy intheir careof children.
Asthma ,Knowledge ,Self efficacy ,Multimedia ,Parents
bushehr university of medical sciences, Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing &Midwifery, Bushehr, Iran, bushehr university of medical sciences, Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing &Midwifery, Bushehr, Iran, tarbiat modares university, Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, ایران, bushehr university of medical sciences, Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing &Midwifery, Bushehr, Iran, bushehr university of medical sciences, Departement of Epidemiology, Persian Gulf Tropical Medicine ResearchCenter, Bushehr, Iran