iranian rehabilitation journal
سال:2023 - دوره:21 - شماره:3
a review of effects of inspiratory muscle training on clinical and functional outcomes of patients with mechanical ventilation
- صفحه:381-388
basic psychological need satisfaction and students’ well-being: the mediating role of subjective vitality
- صفحه:543-552
burdens among wives of disabled people in the light of some social variables
- صفحه:473-484
cerebellar infarction: physiotherapeutic approach an overview of existing studies
- صفحه:389-398
citation review and scientific visualization of articles published in the iranian rehabilitation journal (irj) 2003-2023 in the scopus database
- صفحه:399-410
designing and constructing a tool for safety culture evaluation in a processing industry based on factor analysis
- صفحه:565-576
effectiveness of addiction treatment programs in iran in terms of social, psychological, economic, and therapeutic outcomes: an appraisal
- صفحه:435-450
effectiveness of family-based sensory diet in symptoms of students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- صفحه:461-472
effects of kendall exercise vs. gong’s mobilization on pain, range of motion, function, and strength in cases with text neck syndrome
- صفحه:411-420
effects of the custom mold with a raised ridge around the perimeter foot orthoses on dynamic postural control in chronic ankle instability
- صفحه:451-460
evaluating the validity and reliability of the knowledge, and practice questionnaire of iranian mothers about the development of persian-speaking children aged 18 to 36 months
- صفحه:421-434
exploring the reasons for dissatisfaction of nurses working in psychiatric wards: a qualitative study
- صفحه:553-564
letter to the editor: sandwich generation issues and challenges
- صفحه:379-380
restriction of the rights and coercion of patients in a psychiatric hospital: the opinion of people with mental disorders and psychiatrists
- صفحه:533-542
the effect of foot bath on physiological parameters and anxiety in patients with acute stroke: a randomized controlled trial
- صفحه:503-512
the effect of resilience training on the stress of mothers of students with down syndrome
- صفحه:525-532
the effects of radial extra corporeal shock wave and low-power laser therapies on clinical and electrophysiological parameters in moderate carpal tunnel syndrome: a blinded randomized control trial
- صفحه:513-524
transient change in core strength, endurance, and upper limb isometric strength after core stabilisation knockdown protocol in female athletes
- صفحه:485-494
working memory, rumination, and autobiographical memory specificity impairment
- صفحه:495-502
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