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   fabrication and characterization of polyaniline-graphene composite as electrode in electrochemical capacitor  
نویسنده adelkhani h. ,didehban kh. ,dehghan r.
منبع iranian journal of materials science and engineering - 2016 - دوره : 13 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:29 -34
چکیده    In this study, polyanilinegraphene composites with different nanostructures are synthesized and the behaviour of the obtained composites serving as electrode materials in electrochemical capacitors is studied. the morphology, crystal structure, and thermal stability of the composites are examined using scanning electron microscopy (sem), x-ray diffraction (xrd), and thermal gravimetric analysis (tga). electrochemical properties are characterized by cyclic voltammetry (cv). according to the results, the obtained composites show different crystal structures and different thermal stabilities, and consequently different electrochemical capacities, when used as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors. a nano-fibre composite is shown to have a good degree of crystallization, 5.17% water content, 637°c degradation onset temperature, and 379 fg^-1 electrochemical capacity.
کلیدواژه polyaniline-graphene ,composite materials ,electrochemical capacitors ,nano-structure ,thermal properties
آدرس nuclear science and technology research institute (nstri), nuclear fuel cycle research school, ایران, payame noor university, department of chemistry, ایران, payame noor university, department of chemistry, ایران
پست الکترونیکی dehghan.reyhaneh@yahoo.com

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