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   Preparation of Fe/glass composite by reduction of Na2O– Fe2O3–B2O3–SiO2–ZnO glass and glass ceramics  
نویسنده mohammadpour a. ,mirkazemi s.m. ,beitollahi a.
منبع iranian journal of materials science and engineering - 2015 - دوره : 12 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:38 -47
چکیده    In the present study,the feasibility of α-fe ferromagnetic phase formation in glass and glass-ceramic by reduction in hydrogen atmosphere have been investigated. the glass with the composition of 35na2o–24fe2o3–20b2o3 – 20sio2 –1zno (mol %) was melted and quenched by using a twin roller technique. as quenched glass flakes were heat treated in the range of 400-675 °c for 1-2 h in hydrogen atmosphere,which resulted in reduction of iron cations to α-fe and feo. the reduction of iron cations in glass was not completely occurred. saturation magnetization of these samples was 8-37 emu g-1. for the formation of glass ceramic,as quenched glass flakes heat treated at 590 °c for 1 h. heat treatment of glass ceramic containing magnetite at 675°c in hydrogen atmosphere for 1 h led to reduction of almost all of the iron cations to α-fe. saturation magnetization of this sample increased from 19.8 emu g-1 for glass ceramic to 67 emu g-1. © 2015,iran university of science and technology. all rights reserved.
کلیدواژه Glass; Glass ceramic; Magnetic composite; Magnetite; Reduction; α-Fe
آدرس iran university of science and technology, ایران, iran university of science and technology, ایران, iran university of science and technology, ایران

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