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   Effects of Temperature and AI-Concentration on Formation Mechanism of an AIuminide Coating Applied on Super Alloy IN738LC Through a Single-Step High Activity Gas Diffusion Process  
نویسنده Rafiee H. ,Rastegari S. ,Mojaddami M. ,Arabi H.
منبع iranian journal of materials science and engineering - 2010 - دوره : 7 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:42 -49
آدرس iran university of science and technology, School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, ایران, iran university of science and technology, School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, ایران, iran university of science and technology, School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, ایران, iran university of science and technology, Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Processing (CEAMP), School of Metallurgy and MaterialsEngineering, ایران
پست الکترونیکی h_rafiee@metaleng.iust.ac.ir

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