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   Effect of rhodium infiltration on the microstructure and performance of Ni/Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ cermet anode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell  
نویسنده torknik f.s. ,keyanpour-rad m. ,maghsoudipour a. ,choi g.m.
منبع iranian journal of materials science and engineering - 2016 - دوره : 13 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:43 -49
چکیده    In order to further enhance the ni/ce0.8gd0.2o2-δ (ni/gdc20) cermet anodic performance for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell (lt-sofc),a study was conducted on the nanostructuring of nio/gdc composite by only once wet-infiltration of rhodium chloride precursor. by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (eis) analysis,the effect of only one drop of rh-infiltrating solution on the anodic polarization resistance was examined using symmetric ni–gdc20|gdc20|pt electrolyte-supported cell at 400-600 °c. nanostructural evolution before and after h 2 reduction at 600 °c and also after anodic performance test was investigated by atomic force microscopy (afm),field emission scanning electron microscopy (fe-sem),and transmission electron microscopy (tem) techniques in comparison to the anode itself. despite the fine distribution of rh-infiltrated nanoparticles having average particle size of 11.7 nm,the results showed ineffectiveness and inability of the rh nanoparticles to succeed in decreasing of anodic polarization resistance for h 2 oxidation reaction in lt-sofc. © 2016,iran university of science and technology. all rights reserved.
کلیدواژه Anode; Infiltration; LT-SOFC; Ni/GDC cermet; Rhodium catalyst
آدرس materials and energy research center,tehran, ایران, materials and energy research center,tehran, ایران, materials and energy research center,tehran, ایران, fuel cell research center,department of materials science and engineering,pohang university of science and technology,pohang, South Korea

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