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   Investigating the relationship between heat of hydration and physico-mechanical properties of calcium sulfate hemihydrate in the presence of additives  
نویسنده kani e.n. ,nejan m. ,allahverdi a.
منبع iranian journal of materials science and engineering - 2016 - دوره : 13 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:61 -70
چکیده    This article addresses the interplay between heat of hydration and physico-mechanical properties of calcium sulfate hemi-hydrate in the presence of retarding additives such as citric and malic acids and sodium citrate. the heat of hydration was measured using a semi-isothermal calorimeter. results proved that citric and malic acids had superior impact on hydration and mechanical properties. while the concentration of additives was increasing,the maximum heat of hydration was decreasing from 56.15 cal/g.min for blank sample to 33 cal/g.min for high concentrations of citric and malic acids. consequently,the measured time to this maximum heat of hydration and thus the induction period were increased significantly from 5 to 105 min. mechanical results indicated that the increase in the amounts of additive led to the reduction of the compressive strength from 16.25 mpa in the blank sample up to 74% for the highest concentration of malic acid. © 2016,iran university of science and technology. all rights reserved.
کلیدواژه Additive; Calcium sulfate; Compressive strength; Isothermal calorimeter; Setting time
آدرس faculty of chemical,petroleum,and gas engineering,semnan university,semnan, ایران, faculty of chemical,petroleum,and gas engineering,semnan university,semnan, ایران, cement research center,school of chemical engineering,iran university of science and technology,tehran, ایران

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