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   Oocyte activation: the impact of calcium signals on fertilization  
نویسنده Heytens Elke ,Soleimani Reza ,De Sutter Petra
منبع international journal of reproductive biomedicine - 2008 - دوره : 6 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:171 -174
چکیده    Fertilization is triggered by changes in intracellular calcium concentration. in mammals,these transients in ooplasmic calcium concentration take the form of repetitive spikes, so called calcium oscillations (ca2+-oscillations). these oscillations are important forrelieve of meiotic arrest and to induce all the other events of oocyte activation. although a surface mediated way of oocyte activation has been proposed, there is now substantial evidence to suggest that the sperm cell induces these ca2 +-oscillations byintroducing a sperm specific phospholipase c, plc~, in the ooplasm. ca2 +-oscillations are also observed after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (icsi), a successful technique in human assisted reproduction. in the rare cases that no fertilization is observed following icsi, this may be due to a deficiency in plc~. however, artificial activating the oocytes after icsi by increasing the calcium concentration can restore fertilization rates in these cases and support further development, as evidenced by successful pregnancies. further evaluation of the current protocols for assisted oocyte activation is appropriate and investigation of the future application ofplc~ is warranted.
کلیدواژه Calcium. Oocyte activation. PIC( ICSl.
آدرس University Hospital Ghent, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Belgium, University Hospital Ghent, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Belgium, University Hospital Ghent, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Belgium
پست الکترونیکی elke.heytens@ugent.be

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