iranian journal of parasitology
سال:2013 - دوره:8 - شماره:3
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Suspected Patients Referred To the Center for Research and Training in Skin Diseases and Leprosy, Tehran, Iran from 2008 To 2011
- صفحه:430-436
Development of 116 kDa Fraction for Detecting Experimental Toxoplasma gondii Infections in Mice
- صفحه:441-448
Downregulation of Calcineurin Gene Is Associated with Glucantime ® Resiatance in Leishmania infantum
- صفحه:359-366
Echinococcosis/Hydatidosis in Ilam Province, Western Iran
- صفحه:417-422
Effect of Zinc on Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity of Broilers Vaccinated Against Coccidiosis
- صفحه:474-480
Endoparasites of Stray Dogs in Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast Iran with Special Reference to Zoonotic Parasites
- صفحه:459-466
Evaluation of a Possible Synergistic Effect of Meglumine Antimoniate with Paromomycin, Miltefosine or Allopurinol on in Vitro Susceptibility of Leishmania tropica Resistant Isolate
- صفحه:396-401
Ferredoxin Gene Mutation in Iranian Trichomonas vaginalis Isolates
- صفحه:402-407
First Report of Hartmannella keratitis in a Cosmetic Soft Contact Lens Wearer in Iran
- صفحه:481-485
Identification of Echinococcus granulosus Strains in Isolated Hydatid Cyst Specimens from Animals by PCR-RFLP Method in West Azerbaijan – Iran
- صفحه:376-381
Identification of Leishmania Species Using PCR Assay on Giemsa-Stained Slides Prepared From Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients
- صفحه:382-388
Immunoproteomic Analysis of the Excretory-Secretory Proteins from Spirometra mansoni Sparganum
- صفحه:408-416
In Vitro and In Vivo Potential of RH Strain of Toxoplasma gondii (Type Ι) in Tissue Cyst Forming
- صفحه:367-375
Investigation of Possible Correlation between Giardia duodenalis Genotypes and Clinical Symptoms in Southwest of Iran
- صفحه:389-395
Plagiorchis muris (Tanabe, 1922) in Rattus norvegicus in Iran
- صفحه:486-490
Protection Efficacy of Multivalent Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin against Eimeria tenella Infection in Chickens
- صفحه:449-458
Redescription of the Lutztrema (Lutziella) microacetabularae Rohde, 1966 trematode of the Family Dicrocoelidae (Looss, 1899)
- صفحه:491-493
Seasonal and Geographic Distribution of Cercarial Infection in Lymnaea gedrosiana (Pulmunata: Lymnaeidae) In North West Iran
- صفحه:423-429
Two New Trematodes of Family Acanthocolpidae Luhe, 1906 From Marine Fish Leiognathus daura (Cuvier) from the Coast of Puri, Orissa, India
- صفحه:494-498
Urinary Schistosomiasis in Urban and Semi-Urban Communities in South-Eastern Nigeria
- صفحه:467-473
Validation of PCR Assay for Identification of Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis
- صفحه:437-440
Visceral leishmaniasis in Iran: Review of the Epidemiological and Clinical Features
- صفحه:348-358
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