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   The Role of Liposomal CpG ODN on the Course of L. major Infection in BALB/C Mice  
نویسنده Hejazi H ,Tasbihi M ,Jaafari MR ,Badiee A ,Pestechian N ,Javadi A ,Khamesipour A
منبع iranian journal of parasitology - 2010 - دوره : 5 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:47 -54
چکیده    Historically, leishmanization is the most effective protective measure against cutaneousleishmaniasis (cl), cl lesion induced by leishmanization sometimes takes a long time to heal. manipulationof leishmanization inoculums needed to induce a mild and acceptable cl lesion. the aim ofthis study was to explore if liposomal form of cpg odn (cytosin phosphate guanin oligodeoxynucleotides)mixed with leishmania major would induce a milder lesion size in balb/c mice.methods: this study was performed in biotechnology research center, mashhad, and center for researchand training in skin diseases and leprosy, tehran, iran during 2008-2009. different groups ofbalb/c mice were subcutaneously (sc) inoculated with l. major mixed with liposomal form of cpgodn, or l. major plus free cpg odn, or l. major mixed with empty liposomes or l. major in pbs.the lesion onset and the size of lesion were recorded; the death rate was also monitored.result: footpad thickness was significantly (p<0.01) smaller, death rate was also significantly(p<0.05) lower in the mice received l. major mixed with liposomal cpg odn or free cpg odn thancontrol groups received l. major in pbs or l. major plus liposomes, also mice which received l. majormixed with cpg odn in soluble form showed a significantly (p < 0.001) smaller lesion size thancontrol groups.conclusion: cpg odn seems to be an appropriate immunopotentiator mixed with leishmania stabilatein leishmanization.
کلیدواژه CpG ODN ,Liposome ,Leishmania major ,BALB/c
آدرس isfahan university of medical sciences, Department of Parasitology, ایران, isfahan university of medical sciences, Department of Parasitology, ایران, mashhad university of medical sciences, School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology Research Center and Nanotechnology Research Center, ایران, mashhad university of medical sciences, School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology Research Center and Nanotechnology Research Center, ایران, isfahan university of medical sciences, Department of Parasitology, ایران, qazvin university of medical sciences, Department of Social Medicine, ایران, tehran university of medical sciences tums, Center for Research and Training in Skin Diseases and Leprosy, ایران
پست الکترونیکی khamesipour_ali@yahoo.com

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