توسعۀ رویکرد تحلیل پوششی دادههای شبکهای پویا و ترکیب آن با نظریۀ مجموعههای فازیِ بازهای نوع دوم-مطالعۀ موردی: کارایی فرودگاههای مسافربری کشور باتوجهبه اصول پایداری
الفت لعیا ,امیری مقصود ,بامدادصوفی جهانیار ,پیشدار مهسا
پژوهش در مديريت توليد و عمليات - 1397 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:23 -36
روشهای تحلیل پوششی دادههای فازی برای مواجهه با متغیرهای فازی شکل گرفتند. هرچند بسیاری از این متغیرها با عدمقطعیت و ابهام روبهرو هستند، تابع عضویت مجموعههای فازی ماهیت قطعی دارند و این موضوع با مفهوم فازی متضاد است؛ بههمیندلیل مجموعههای فازی نوع دوم شکل گرفتند که تابع عضویت آنها از جنس مجموعههای فازی نوع اول است؛ اما محاسبات مربوط به این مجموعهها بسیار پیچیده است. مجموعههای فازی بازهای نوع دوم پیچیدگی کمتری دارند و برای ارزیابی کارایی در روش تحلیل پوششی دادهها به کار برده میشوند؛ بههمیندلیل در مطالعۀ حاضر روش تحلیل پوششی دادههای شبکهای پویا باتوجهبه مجموعههای فازی بازهای نوع دوم توسعه داده شده است تا علاوه بر روابط شبکهای متغیرها در دورههای زمانی مختلف به ماهیت فازی آنها نیز بهتر توجه شود. بهدلیل اهمیتی که فرودگاهها در سیستم حملونقل دارند، مدل توسعه داده شده در این مقاله برای ارزیابی کارایی فرودگاههای مسافربری کشور باتوجهبه اصول پایداری استفاده میشود. چنین رویکرد جامعی در توسعۀ روش تحلیل پوششی دادهها بیسابقه است؛ بههمیندلیل چنین توسعهای هم از جنبۀ فنی و هم از جنبۀ مفهومی اهمیت دارد.
تحلیل پوششی دادههای شبکهای پویا، پایداری، فرودگاههای مسافربری، نظریۀ مجموعههای فازی بازهای نوع دوم
دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی, دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداری, ایران, دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی, دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداری, ایران, دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی, دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداری, ایران, دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی, دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداری, ایران
پست الکترونیکی
Developing Dynamic Network DEA Approach and its Combination with Interval Type2 Fuzzy Sets Theory Case of Passenger Airports’ Performance Based on Sustainability Principles
Olfat Laya ,Amiri Maghsoud ,BamdadSoufi Jahanyar ,Pishdar Mahsa
Abstract: Fuzzy DEA methods have been introduced to deal with the fuzziness of variables. Although, some of these variables are affected by uncertainty and also information granularity, the membership function of fuzzy set is certain and this contrasts with the fuzzy concept as a whole. Type2 fuzzy sets are introduced because of this and their membership functions have the nature of fuzzy type1. The calculations of type2 fuzzy sets are very complicated. However, interval type2 fuzzy sets which have the characteristics of type2 fuzzy sets and do not add any complexity to the calculation process can be applied to deal with such a problem. That is why in this paper, it is explored that how an extension of interval type2 fuzzy dynamic network DEA approach helps to measure airports’ sustainability. Sustainable airports play an irrefutable role in making transportation systems sustainable. Such an integrative approach in DEA models is unprecedented. So, this extension of DEA is valuable from both technical and conceptual aspects. Introduction: Airports are an essential component of aviation (Knudsen, 2004). The importance of airports becomes clearer when it comes to the fact that aviation traffic is more than before and, therefore, sustainability becomes difficult. While, various studies have suggested that the sustainability of airports is essential to improve the performance of these systems, improve the living conditions of the public and increase the airport's credit (Brian, 2005; ICAO, 2012; SAGA, 2015). Paying attention to the concept of sustainability in managing airports has various benefits, such as increased competitiveness by purifying activities, reducing operating costs, and reducing costs for life cycle of materials and equipment, better use of assets, utilization newer and better technologies, reducing asset development costs, getting more support from the community, improving working conditions and, as a result, improving employee productivity, reducing environmental risks, health, safety and promotion (SAGA, 2015; Bretzke, 2013; TRB, 2012; ACARE, 2011; Too, Earl, 2010). For the reasons mentioned, it can be said that it is necessary to pay attention to the sustainability of the passenger airports of the country. Certainly, before adopting any approach, the current situation must be assessed correctly. Various methods have been used to evaluate performance, but Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the most widely used methods (Azizi et al., 2004). Data envelopment analysis is a functional and nonparametric method that allows consideration of various components as input and output or intermediate activities (Bray et al., 2015). However, no research has been found to determine the performance of airports in accordance with the principles of sustainability in Iran. Materials and Methods: Type2 fuzzy Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used to assess the performance of Iran’s passenger airports based on sustainability development. By use of Dynamic Network Data Envelopment Analysis, one can see how the different parts of a decision unit can be linked. It also shows how the past performance of a decisionmaking unit can affect its current performance. In this type of data envelopment analysis, the function of the decisionmaking unit is transmitted through timebased intermediaries to the next period. Thus via using dynamic data envelopment analysis method, it is possible to consider the activities of different parts of a decision unit and also the efficiency with respect to time periods. However, the point is that in the real world, due to the increasing socioeconomic complexity and the inherent ambiguity of human thinking, there is no possibility of precise determination of many of the components. For this reason, type2 fuzzy theory is employed that its membership function is the fuzzy of the first type. Since the complexity of calculations while using type2 fuzzy set is high, interval type2 fuzzy is applied. The 20 most popular passenger airports in Iran are selected to evaluate their performance in accordance with the principles of sustainability principles and via the help of the developed DEA model. Results and Discussion: Results of investigation show that Larestan Airport is the most efficient one among all and the last rank is allocated to the Isfahan airport considering fixed return to scale while in variable return to scale, Shiraz airport gets the last rank. The efficiency intervals of airports such as Larestan, Gorgan, Rasht and Yazd have little difference in two modes of return to scale. For this reason, we can say that there is no significant function inefficiency about these airports. But this difference is more evident in the efficiency of airports such as Mashhad. Airports, whose performance is generally low or are inefficient, are able to provide a groundbreaking improvement with appropriate benchmarking. Since airports operate in different conditions, difference in climatic conditions and the in workforce etc. should be considered while benchmarking. References ACARE (Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe) (2011). "Flight path 2050 Europe’s Vision for Aviation". Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Azizi, H., Kordrostami, S., & Amirteimoori, A. (2015). "Slacksbased measures of efficiency in imprecise data envelopment analysis: An approach based on data envelopment analysis with double frontiers". Computers & Industrial Engineering, 79, 4251. Azizi, H., Jafari Shaerlar, A., & Farzipoor Saen, R. (2014). "A new Approach for Considering a DualRole Factor in Supplier Selection Problem: DEA with efficient and inefficient frontiers". Journal of production and operation management. 6(2), 129144. Bray, S., Caggiani, l., & Ottomanelli, M. (2015). "Measuring transport systems efficiency under uncertainty by fuzzy sets theory based Data Envelopment Analysis: theoretical and practical comparison with traditional DEA model". Transportation Research Procedia, 5, 186 – 200. Bretzke, W.R. (2013). "Service Quality Versus Sustainability: A New Conflict of Objectives". Information Technology in Environmental Engineering Part of the series Environmental Science and Engineering, Springer, 179190. Brian, E. (2005). "The Modern Airport Terminal: New Approaches to Airport Architecture". 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) (2012). "Sustainable Future for Aviation: ICAO Rio+20 Global Initiative". http://climatel.iisd.org/news/icaopublishesbookletforrio20decision makers (accessed 14.09.2015). Knudsen, F.B. (2004). "Defining Sustainability in the Aviation Sector". Brussell: Eurocontrol Experimental Centre. SAGA (Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance) (2015). "Learn". http://www.airportsustainability.org/learn, (accessed 16.12.2015). Transport Research Board (TRB) (2011). "Critical Issues in Aviation and the Environment 2011". Washington, DC: TRB. Too, L., & Earl, L. (2010). "Public transport service quality and sustainable development: a community stakeholder perspective". Sustainable Development. 18(1), 5161.