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   Rate Based Model in H2S and C02 Absorption Column Using Alkanolamine Solutions  
نویسنده Kasiri N. ,Ghayyem M.A.
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2008 - دوره : 19 - شماره : 5-2 - صفحه:89 -98
چکیده    In the present paper, a rate-based model has been developed for the simulation of h2s and co2 absorption column using alkanolamine solutions. the model adopts the film theory and assumes that thermodynamic equilibrium exist only for h2s species. the most difficulty and time consuming part in the mathematical solution of this model is determination of co2 and h2s concentration in liquid film. in this research we overcame this difficulty by linear equation and matrix solution. the simulation results have been validated using available plant data. it has been found that there is a good agreement between the models computed results and plant data (khangiran mea and ahvaz-l dea gas refinery, iran).
کلیدواژه H2S and CO2 absorption columns ,Alkanolamine ,MEA ,DEA ,Modeling ,Matrix solution ,concentration profiles
آدرس iran university of science and technology, Computer Aided Process Engineering Lab, Chem Eng Dept , ایران, iran university of science and technology, Computer Aided Process Engineering Lab, Chem Eng Dept , ایران
پست الکترونیکی kasiri@iust.ac.ir

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