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   The Geometry of Paths of a H-Connection in Supermanifolds  
نویسنده Esrafilian E. ,Azizpour E.
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2008 - دوره : 19 - شماره : 5-2 - صفحه:33 -38
چکیده    In this paper we use finsler geometry objects to study the supercurves of distinguished connection in a supermanifold. we introduce the notion of a v-path for supercuves and obtain some conditions for supercurves which to be v-paths.
کلیدواژه connections ,supercurves ,supercurves ,supermanifolds
آدرس iran university of science and technology, Department of Mathematics, ایران, University of Guilan, Department of Mathematics, ایران

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