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   RFID: A Bibliographical Literature Review with Future Research Directions  
نویسنده Zare Mehrjerdi Yahia
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2014 - دوره : 25 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:151 -190
چکیده    The purpose of this article is to review some of the most prominent applications of rfid in industries and to provide a comprehensive review of the work done from 1985 through 2012 and the research trend on that. the effectiveness of rfid and the challenges facing with are also discussed. some applications of radio frequency identification in supply chain are briefly discussed. articles are classified by the year of publications and each case is discussed very briefly. to obtain a good understanding of the level of the researches completed up to the end of 2012 a table and graph are used to demonstrate the summary of results. in this research, author came up with 550 articles on rfid as all are listed in a single table. the findings point to this fact that research on rfid has started to pick up on year 2002 with 16 publications and then reached to its pick at year 2005 with 112 publications, and then trend went down to 42 and then up to 66 publications for years 2006 and 2007, respectively.
کلیدواژه Bibliographical Literature Review ,EPC Technology ,RFID Tags ,RFID applications ,Challenges and
آدرس yazd university, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yazd, Iran, ایران
پست الکترونیکی yazm2000@yahoo.com

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