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   international journal of industrial engineering and production research   
سال:2020 - دوره:31 - شماره:4

  tick  An Integral Method of Evaluating the Innovative Capacity of Enterprises - صفحه:637-646

  tick  Approach to Organizing the Functioning of Smart Elements in the Multi-Agent “Smart House” System - صفحه:571-577

  tick  Assessment of Efficiency of the Use of Natural Resources Capacity by Territorial Communities in Conditions of Administrative-Territorial Reform in Ukraine - صفحه:499-510

  tick  Complex Risk Analysis of Investing in Agriculture ETFs - صفحه:579-586

  tick  Dynamics of Forecasting the Development of Renewable Energy Technologies in Ukraine and Chile - صفحه:587-596

  tick  Financial Monitoring in the Bank as a Market Instrument in the Conditions of Innovative Development and Digitalization of Economy: Management and Legal Aspects of the Risk-Based Approach - صفحه:559-570

  tick  Improving Management Decisions in Urban Passenger Transport Based on the Sociological Study - صفحه:491-498

  tick  Influence of Some Macroeconomic Indicators on Government Debt (Case of Ukraine) - صفحه:523-533

  tick  Integrated Model of the Competitive Higher Education: Legal, Economic and Psycho-pedagogical Aspects - صفحه:535-545

  tick  Military Expenditures and World Economic Growth under Hybrid Warfare Conditions - صفحه:511-522

  tick  Modeling The Level Of Investment Attractiveness Of The Agrarian Economy Sector - صفحه:647-653

  tick  New Statistical and Econometric Approaches to Assessing Financial Processes (Banking Sector, Public Debt, Financial Management) - صفحه:609-624

  tick  Structural Shifts in The System of Higher Education of Ukraine in the Realm of the Specialists Supply for the National Economy - صفحه:625-636

  tick  Using Multidimensional Scaling for Assessment Economic Development of Regions - صفحه:597-607

  tick  Virtual Space as a Platform for Student Research Practices - صفحه:547-

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