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   Proposal of An Oee Target Prediction Model Based on the Company's Strategy  
نویسنده dakkak badr ,irhirane el hassan ,bounit ahmed
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2021 - دوره : 32 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:1 -9
چکیده    Overall equipment effectiveness (oee) is a very powerful indicator for the performance evaluation of a manufacturing organization. however, determining the oee target remains subjective and it’s usually based on the decision of concerned managers. in this paper, we tested the oee target determination model based on the measured oee. such a method is based on the fuzzy logic principle and on two other decision-making support methods. to do this, we began with a literature review on oee and its constituents. then, a detailed description of the research methodology and the proposed model is provided. thus, a case study in a manufacturing agri-food organization was conducted to test the proposed model and validate the obtained results
کلیدواژه OEE ,Strategy ,Productivity ,Performance ,Quality ,Decision-making support
آدرس national school of applied sciences, systems and applications engineering laboratory, Morocco, national school of applied sciences, systems and applications engineering laboratory, Morocco, national school of applied sciences, systems and applications engineering laboratory, Morocco

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