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   An Approach to the Optimization of Multi-Objective Assignment Problems with Neutrosophic Numbers  
نویسنده khalifa hamiden
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2020 - دوره : 31 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:287 -294
چکیده    This paper aims to study the multi-objective assignment problem with emphasis on imprecise costs rather than price information. the nmoas problem is considered by adding single-valued trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers to the elements of cost matrices. after converting the nmoas problem into the corresponding crisp multi-objective assignment (moas) problem based on the score function, an approach to finding the most preferred neutrosophic solution was discussed. the approach was used through a weighting tchebycheff problem which was applied by defining relative weights and ideal targets. this approach was more flexible than the standard multi-objective assignment problem and it allowed the decision-maker (dm) to choose the targets. finally, a numerical example was given to illustrate the utility, effectiveness, and applicability of the approach.
کلیدواژه Multi-objective assignment problem; Neutrosophic numbers; Membership functions;Weighting tchebycheff problem; Optimal compromise neutrosophic solution
آدرس cairo university, Egypt
پست الکترونیکی hamiden_2008@yahoo.com

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