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   An Exact Branch and Fix Coordination (BFC) Approach to Solving a Relief Transportation Network for Disaster Management  
نویسنده hosseini-nasab hasan ,hasanzadeh hamid
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2020 - دوره : 31 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:243 -257
چکیده    The number of natural disasters and the people affected by them have been increasing in recent years. the field of optimization is a significant element of a relief operation and has been extensively studied so far, especially during the last two decades. the design of a relief logistic network as a strategic decision and that of relief distribution as an operational decision are the most important activities required for disaster operation management before and after a disaster occurs. in the proposed mathematical model, pre-disaster decisions are determined according to the postdisaster decisions in a multi-stage stochastic problem. then, a well-known approach called branch and fixed coordination is applied to optimize the proposed model. the computational results confirm that the proposed approach has proper performance for disaster management in a multi-stage stochastic problem
کلیدواژه Multi-stage stochastic; Branch and fixed; Exact solution; Relief operation; Disaster management.
آدرس yazd university, Iran, yazd university, department of industrial engineering, Iran

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