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   Mathematical Programming for a Special Case of 2E-LRP in Cash- In-Transit Sector Having Rich Variants  
نویسنده fallah-tafti alireza ,vahdatzad mohammad-ali
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2018 - دوره : 29 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:159 -174
چکیده    This article proposes a special case of a two-echelon locationroutingproblem (2e-lrp) in the cash-in-transit (cit) sector. totackle this realistic problem and make the model applicable, a richlrp is presented considering several existing real-life variants andcharacteristics named bo-2e-pclrpsd-tw, including differentobjective functions, multiple echelons, multiple periods, capacitatedvehicles, distribution centers and automated teller machines (atms),different types of vehicles in each echelon, and single-depot withdifferent time windows. since routing plans in the cit sector ought tobe safe and efficient, the minimization of total transportation risk andcost are considered simultaneously as objective functions. then, sucha complex problem is formulated in mathematical mixed integerlinear programming (mmilp). to validate the presented model andthe formulation and to solve the problem, the latest version of ε-constraint method namely augmecon2 is applied. this method isspecially efficient for solving multi-objective integer programing(moip) problems and provides the exact pareto fronts. resultssubstantiate the suitability of the model and the formulation
کلیدواژه Two-echelon locationrouting problem; Mixed integer linear programming; Cash in transit;Multiple objective optimization; Augmented ε-constraint method
آدرس yazd university, department of industrial engineering, Iran, yazd university, department of industrial engineering, Iran
پست الکترونیکی mvahdat@yazd.ac.ir

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