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   Determination of a Desirable Inventory Policy in a three Echelon Multilayer Supply Chain with Normal Demand  
نویسنده Amiri M. ,Seif barghy M. ,Olfat L. ,Razavi Hajiagha S. H.
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2012 - دوره : 23 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:65 -72
چکیده    Inventory control is one of the most important issues in supply chain management. in this paper, a three-echelon production, distribution, inventory system composed of one producer, a set of wholesalers and retailers is considered. costumers' demands can be approximated by a normal distribution and the inventory policy is a kind of continuous review (r, q). in this paper, a model based on standard cost structure of inventory systems is developed and a heuristic algorithm is designed to optimize the developed model. the application of model is examined in a series of designed experiments that are compared with simulation results. these comparisons verify the validity of the model. regarding to real complexities in three-echelon systems analysis, the proposed method can have a wide application in practical problems with the same considerations and assumptions. in addition, this method can be used to approximate those systems that follow a poisson demand.
کلیدواژه Supply Chain; Multi Echelon Inventory System; Normal Distribution; N-Fold Convolution
آدرس allameh tabataba-i university, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Industrial Management Department, ایران, alzahra university, Technical and Engineering Department, ایران, allameh tabataba-i university, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Industrial Management Department, ایران, allameh tabataba-i university, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Industrial Management Department, ایران
پست الکترونیکی amiri@atu.ac.ir

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