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   Using the Hybrid GA-TOPSIS Algorithm to Solving the Site Selection Problem in Passive Defense  
نویسنده karbasian Mahdi ,Abedi Saeed
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2012 - دوره : 23 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:35 -43
چکیده    One of the main principles of the passive defense is the principle of site selection. in this paper, we propose a multiple objective nonlinear programming model that considers the principle of the site selection in terms of two qualitative and quantitative aspects. the purpose of the proposed model is selection of the place of key production facilities of a system in which not only it observes the dispersion principle but also reduces the system transportation costs. moreover, the proposed model tries to select the sites that can fulfill other elements of site selection as well as dispersion in a way that it increases the trustworthiness of the selected network. for solving the proposed model we used the genetic algorithm integrated with topsis method
کلیدواژه Passive Defense ,Mathematical Programming ,MCDM ,Genetic Algorithm ,TOPSIS
آدرس malekeashtar university of technology, industrial engineering Dept , ایران, islamic azad university, Young Researchers Club, ایران
پست الکترونیکی mkarbasi@mut-es.ac.ir

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