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   Fuzzy Complexity Analysis with Conflict Resolution for Educational Projects  
نویسنده Jenab Kouroush ,Khoury Samir ,Sarfaraz Ahmad
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2012 - دوره : 23 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:1 -5
چکیده    Evaluative and comparative analysis among educational projects remains an issue for administration, program directors, instructors, and educational institutes. this study reports a fuzzy complexity model for educational projects, which has two primary aspects (technical aspects and transparency aspects). these aspects may not be measured precisely due to uncertain situations. therefore, a fuzzy graph-based model to measure the relative complexity of educational projects is presented that uses an aggregation operator to resolve conflict among experts with respect to a complexity relation. the model maps the fuzzy graph into a scaled cartesian diagram that depicts the relative degree of complexity among projects. an illustrative example for several educational projects is demonstrated to present the application of the model.
کلیدواژه Conflict resulotion ,Complexity measure ,Fuzzy graph ,Fuzzy relation ,Project complexity
آدرس East Carolina University, Dept Technology Systems, USA, California State University, Dept Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management, USA
پست الکترونیکی jenab@ieee.org

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