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   Relax and Fix Heuristics for Simultaneous Lot Sizing and Sequencing the Permutation Flow Shops with Sequence-Dependent Setups  
نویسنده Mohammadi M. ,Fatemi Ghomi S.M.T.
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2010 - دوره : 21 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:147 -153
چکیده    This paper proposes two relax and fix heuristics for the simultaneous lot sizing and sequencing problem in permutation flow shops involving sequence-dependent setups and capacity constraints. to evaluate the effectiveness of mentioned heuristics, two lower bounds are developed and compared against the optimal solution. the results of heuristics are compared with the selected lower bound.
کلیدواژه Capacitated lotsizing problem; Permutation flow shop; Sequence-dependent setups; Relax and fix
آدرس kharazmi university (university of tarbiat moallem), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, ایران, amirkabir university of technology, Department of Industrial Engineering, ایران
پست الکترونیکی fatemi@aut.ac.ir

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