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   Towards Knowledge Management: an Exploratory Study for Developing a KM Framework in Iran  
نویسنده Akhavan Peyman ,Hosnavi Reza ,Sanjaghi Mohammad
منبع international journal of industrial engineering and production research - 2009 - دوره : 20 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:99 -106
چکیده    This paper is to develop a knowledge management (km) model insome iranian academic research centers (arc) based on km criticalsuccess factors. general km critical success factors (csf) wereidentified through literature review. then the research procedure ledto the identification of km critical success factors in iranian arcsincluding 16 different factors. it was done through first stage survey byabout 300 sample targets. then, these 16 factors were surveyedseparately again by experts through a delphi panel. the expertssuggested their practical solutions for exploiting the 16 factors inarcs through a km framework based on a km cycle. this 2 yearsresearch has been done during 2006 to 2008.
کلیدواژه Knowledge management ,KM cycle ,Academic researchcenters ,Factor analysis ,Criticalsuccess factor ,KM framework ,Delphi method
آدرس malekeashtar university of technology, Department of management and soft technologies, ایران, malekeashtar university of technology, Department of management and soft technologies, ایران, malekeashtar university of technology, Department of management and soft technologies, ایران
پست الکترونیکی akhavan@iust.ac.ir, r_hosnavi@yahoo.com,sanjaghi@yahoo.com

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