civil engineering infrastructures journal
سال:2014 - دوره:47 - شماره:1
a method of function space for vertical impedance function of a circular rigid foundation on a transversely isotropic ground
- صفحه:13-27
automatic calibration of hec-hms model using multi-objective fuzzy optimal models
- صفحه:1-12
bearing capacity of strip footings near slopes using lower bound limit analysis
- صفحه:89-109
efficiency of neural networks for estimating the patch load resistance of plate girders with a focus on uncertainties in material and geometrical properties
- صفحه:29-42
experimental study of the performance of floating breakwaters with heave motion
- صفحه:59-70
medium term hydroelectric production planning - a multistage stochastic optimization model
- صفحه:139-152
numerical study of progressive collapse in intermediate moment resisting reinforced concrete frame due to column removal
- صفحه:71-88
prioritizing roads safety based on the quasi-induced exposure method and utilization of the analytical hierarchy process
- صفحه:43-58
rocking rotation of a rigid disk embedded in a transversely isotropic half-space
- صفحه:125-138
taguchi modeling for technoeconomical evaluation of cr^+6 removal by electrocoagulation process with the aid of two coagulants
- صفحه:111-123
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