ارزیابی تخلخل، تراوایی و کیفیت مخزنی سازند آسماری با استفاده از دادههای ریزرخسارۀ رسوبی و دیاژنز در میدان نفتی اهواز
حیدری اکبر ,شکری نرگس ,فرجی میلاد
پژوهش هاي چينه نگاري و رسوب شناسي - 1403 - دوره : 40 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:69 -86
سازند آسماری با سن الیگومیوسن در فروافتادگی دزفول گسترش یافته است. این سازند در چاههای میدان نفتی اهواز با ترکیب سنگآهک، مارن و ماسهسنگ در اعماق 2600 تا 3000 متری شناسایی شده است. بخش مورد مطالعه عمدتاً از سنگآهک و با فراوانی کمتر ماسهسنگ تشکیل شده است. بخش مطالعهشده بین 15 تا 70 متر با میانگین 50 متر ضخامت دارد. در گذشته آثار رسوبشناسی، چینهنگاری سکانسی و تحلیل رخسارههای رسوبی براساس تخلخل و تراوایی سازندها جدا از دیاژنز بررسی میشد. درک و تشخیص خصوصیات سنگهای رسوبی تحت تاثیر دیاژنز، مستلزم استفادۀ بهتر و جامعتر از مطالعات دقیق محیطهای رسوبی، چینهنگاری سکانسی، ریزرخسارههای رسوبی و فرآیندهای دیاژنتیک است. در این مطالعه دادههای ریزرخسارهها، محیط رسوبی و دیاژنز مخزن آسماری در میدان نفتی اهواز بررسی شد. آثار هریک از پارامترهای مذکور با کمک نمودارها و طبقهبندیهای مرجع واکاوی و نقش آنها مشخص شد. خصوصیات رسوبگذاری و محیط رسوبی، آثار وسیعی بر ترکیب سنگ و اجزای آن دارد که به ایجاد خصوصیات مخزنی متفاوت برای هر توالی و گونۀ سنگی منجر میشود. در ادامه فرآیندهای دیاژنتیک نیز سنگهای ایجادشده در محیطهای رسوبی را تغییر میدهند و تنوع گونهها سنگی مخزنی را متنوعتر میکنند. در شرایط دیاژنتیکی نزدیکی سطح زمین و محیطهای دیاژنتیک متئوریک و دفنی کمعمق، بهسبب سهولت ورود و خروج سیالات دیاژنتیک ترکیب اولیۀ رسوب در مدتزمان کمی دچار تغییرات وسیعی میشود و انحلال اجزای ناپایدار و یا سیمانیشدن وسیع رخ میدهد. ویژگیهای مخزنی توالی مخزن آسماری، مانند تخلخل و تراوایی در این مطالعه براساس تاریخچۀ رسوبگذاری و دیاژنز انجام شد. در این مطالعه توالیهای مختلط ماسهسنگ و کربنات سازند آسماری در تعداد 6 چاه از میدان نفتی اهواز مطالعه و آثار محیطهای رسوبی، رخسارهها و دیاژنز بر خصوصیات مخزنی ارزیابی شده است. نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که هر دو عامل محیط رسوبی و دیاژنز بر کیفیت مخزنی سازند مطالعهشده تاثیر داشتهاند، اما اثر فرآیندهای دیاژنتیک به نسبت بیشتر بوده است. بنابراین بهطور کلی توالی مورد مطالعه، یک مخزن دیاژنتیک در نظر گرفته میشود. امید است نتایج این مطالعه در راستای برنامۀ توسعۀ میدان مطالعهشده مفید واقع شود.
ریزرخسارۀ کربناته، مخزن آسماری، توسعۀ میدان نفتی، ریف، طبقهبندی لوسیا
دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, دانشکدۀ علوم زمین و gis, گروه زمین شناسی نفت و حوضه های رسوبی, ایران, دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, دانشکدۀ علوم زمین و gis, گروه زمین شناسی نفت و حوضه های رسوبی, ایران, مناطق نفتخیز جنوب اهواز, ایران
پست الکترونیکی
evaluation of porosity, permeability, and reservoir quality of the asmari formation using sedimentary facies and diagenesis data in the ahvaz oil field
heidari akbar ,shokri narges ,faraji milad
the asmari formation, the oligo–miocene in age, has been deposited in the dezful embayment and other parts of the zagros basin. in the ahvaz oil field, this formation is mostly composed of limestones, dolomites, marls, and sandstones. in this study, the data of microfacies, sedimentary environment, and diagenesis of zone 7 from the asmari reservoir in the ahvaz oil field were investigated. depositional and post-depositional environments have a wide-ranging effect on rock composition and its components, leading to different reservoir properties for each sequence and affecting the rock types. near-surface burial diagenetic conditions in meteoric and shallow burial diagenetic environments, due to the ease of entry and exit of diagenetic fluids, the initial composition of the sediment undergoes significant changes in a short period, and dissolution of unstable components or extensive cementation occurs. in this study, mixed sandstone and carbonate succession were studied in six wells from the ahvaz oilfield. this study’s results show the evidence from sedimentary environment and diagenesis, but the effect of diagenetic processes was relatively more important. therefore, the studied succession can be considered a diagenetic reservoir. it is hoped that the results of this study can be useful in the development program of the studied field.keywords: carbonate microfacies, asmari reservoir, oil field development, reef, lucia classification introductiontectonic factors, sea level changes, and climate have always been recognized as some of the most important parameters influencing sedimentation and the characteristics of sedimentary rocks (cousino et al. 2015; mazhar et al. 2021; catuneanu 2022; bachari et al. 2024). the importance of sedimentary texture and mineralogy in connection with diagenesis has long been recognized in carbonate deposits (e.g. folk 1959; moore 1989; tucker and bathurst 2009; abdullah et al. 2023). the primary composition of carbonate rocks reflects the depositional environment conditions as well as the evolution and ecology of organisms with calcareous shells (pomar 2020). in this study, porosity data and their relationship with depositional and diagenetic environments were examined in the ahvaz oilfield. the main objective of this study is to determine the effects of depositional and diagenetic processes on the reservoir characteristics, porosity, and permeability of the evaluated succession. material methodsthe a7 zone, which is studied here is mainly composed of limestones with some interbeds of sandstones and dolomites. a total of 300 thin sections were prepared for study from cores and drill cuttings obtained from six drilled wells. the thicknesses of the investigated succession have a range between 15 and 70 meters in the studied wells with a mean of 50 m. the thin sections prepared from these wells were subjected to detailed microfacies and diagenetic studies. this study identified the various types of porosity in the asmari formation carbonate rocks and classified them according to the choquette and pray (1970) classification. the role of each pore type in the reservoir quality of the succession was evaluated. in this study, lucia’s petrophysical classification was used for reservoir analysis (lucia 2007). additionally, the reservoir quality of the asmari formation was described using ahr’s classification (ahr 2008). discussion of results conclusionsporosity can generally be divided into two groups: primary and secondary. choquette and pray (1970) classified porosities in carbonate rocks into three categories based on their relationship or lack thereof to the rock fabric. porosity types such as fossil molds, dissolution vugs, moldic porosity formed by fossil dissolution, intergranular porosity in clastic parts, intercrystalline porosity in recrystallized dolomites, and fractures have been identified in the studied succession.porosity and permeability are two controlling parameters of reservoir quality. in this section, petrophysical logs were utilized for reservoir analysis, and based on ahr’s classification (2008), the reservoir quality of the asmari formation was described. lucia (2007) examined various rock types to analyze the reservoir behavior of sedimentary facies. he defined three petrophysical classes in his diagram, each with a distinct pore size distribution. in this study, his results were used to interpret the porosity of the asmari formation. the asmari reservoir in the studied field was subjected to microfacies and diagenetic studies. microfacies studies of this formation led to the identification of 14 microfacies in five facies associations. cementation has often caused data to shift to the left on the plot, leading to microfacies being excluded from the reservoir zone. the reef microfacies is located in class 2 of lucia’s plot, indicating good reservoir quality, initially due to the porosity of the coral framework. subsequent diagenetic processes, including fracture development, connected many pores and enhanced permeability in these reef microfacies. additionally, the early marine cementation in reef microfacies prevented compaction during burial, thus preserving porosity. some lagoon and open marine microfacies fall within class 1, with a smaller proportion in sub-class 1, or class 2. the relatively poor reservoir properties of lagoon and open marine microfacies may be attributed to the presence of lime mud in the low-energy microfacies. other lagoon and open marine microfacies are also classified within class 2 of lucia’s plot, which can be attributed to interconnected porosity systems such as channel, fracture, and intercrystalline porosity, along with dolomitization and reduced cementation. studies and modeling of the asmari formation in the investigated wells have revealed a strong freshwater influx during deposition. such an influx of freshwater, which led to the formation of sandstone facies and abundant detrital quartz grains within the carbonate sediments of the asmari formation in the ahvaz field, could have caused two significant events. firstly, this strong freshwater flow could have enhanced the diagenetic process of dissolution in certain microfacies, as evidenced by the extensive vugs and channels observed in many carbonate microfacies. secondly, dolomitization, resulting from the mixing of freshwater and seawater according to the badiozamani model (1973), is observed in many microfacies. the significant role of dolomitization in enhancing the reservoir quality of some lagoon and marine microfacies is evident. the lack of detrimental diagenetic processes, especially late cementation and compaction, on reef microfacies, coupled with the energy of the depositional environment (removal of clay-filled pore spaces), are the primary reasons for the excellent reservoir quality of the studied samples from the asmari formation in the ahvaz oil field. in a few studied samples of the asmari formation that fall outside the main 3 classes, calcite and sometimes anhydrite cement have reduced the connectivity between the pore throats of these microfacies. tidal flat microfacies are often found in classes 1 and 2, indicating good porosity and permeability. what is certain in these microfacies is the presence of intercrystalline porosity in dolomite, the development of sedimentary structures such as birdseye and fenestral pores in these microfacies, and an increase in their permeability and reservoir quality. furthermore, the widespread dolomitization causes changes in the geomechanical behavior of the upper intertidal microfacies and increases the potential for fracture development. therefore, this fracture development enhances reservoir properties.among the studied microfacies, mf6–8, and mf10 exhibit the highest reservoir quality. these microfacies display an average porosity ranging from 25 to 30 percent and a permeability of 100 to 200 millidarcies. the extensive pore spaces within reef structures, coupled with lower cementation, contribute to these favorable properties in microfacies mf6 and mf7. additionally, dolomitization has enhanced the reservoir quality of certain microfacies, such as mf8. in contrast, microfacies mf3 and mf11 exhibit the lowest porosity and permeability due to severe cementation and compaction. additionally, the pore size distribution varies among different microfacies, which also influences their permeability. overall, the results indicate that reef and back-reef microfacies have a high potential for hydrocarbon production. there is a similar trend of decreasing and increasing porosity and permeability in microfacies, which supports the direct relationship between these two parameters in the lucia plot and also indicates the presence of interconnected pores in these microfacies. among the sub-environments, the best reservoir quality based on porosity and permeability and according to ahr’s classification (2008) belongs to the reef, tidal flat, open marine, and lagoon sub-environments, respectively.
carbonate microfacies ,asmari reservoir ,oil field development ,reef ,lucia classification