Metallic and semi-conducting resistivity behaviour of La0.7Ca0.32xKxMnO3 (x 5 0.05, 0.1) manganites
Varshney Dinesh ,Dodiya Neha
journal of theoretical and applied physics - 2015 - دوره : 9 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:45 -58
Abstract the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity, q, of ceramic la0.7ca0.3-xkxmno3 (x = 0.05, 0.1) is investigated in metallic and semi-conducting phase. the metallic resistivity is attributed to be caused by elec- tron–phonon, electron–electron and electron–magnon scattering. substitutions affect average mass and ionic radii of a–site resulting in an increase in debye temperature hd attributed to hardening of lattice with k doping. the optical phonon modes shift gradually to lower mode fre- quencies leading to phonon softening. estimated resistivity compared with reported metallic resistivity, accordingly qdiff. = [qexp. - {q0 ? qe-ph (=qac ? qop)}], infers elec- tron–electron and electron–magnon dependence over most of the temperature range. semi-conducting nature is dis- cussed with variable range hopping and small polaron conduction model. the decrease in activation energies and increase in density of states at the fermi level with enhanced ca doping is consistently explained by cationic disorder and mn valence.
Magnetic materials . Ab initio calculations .Electrical properties . Phonons
Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road Campus, School of Physics, Materials Science Laboratory, India, Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road Campus, School of Physics, Materials Science Laboratory, India