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   journal of theoretical and applied physics   
سال:2022 - دوره:16 - شماره:4

  tick  Bound state solutions and thermal properties of the N-dimensional Schr ¨ odinger equation with Varshni plus Woods-Saxon potential via Nikiforov-Uvarov method - صفحه:1-13

  tick  Chemical and pharmaceutical waste disposal with thermal plasma pyrolysis-melting - صفحه:1-6

  tick  Improved efficiency of a SiGe thin film solar cell structure using CNT charge collector layer - صفحه:1-7

  tick  Influence of magnetic field and ionization on gradientdriven instability in an E×B plasma - صفحه:1-7

  tick  Modified Bohm’s criterion in a collisional electronegative plasma having two-temperature non-extensive electrons - صفحه:1-8

  tick  Multi-lump solutions to the KPI equation with a zero degree of derivation - صفحه:1-8

  tick  Non-Relativistic particle under the influence of aharonov-bohm flux field subject to physical potentials and the Nikiforov-Uvarov method - صفحه:1-10

  tick  On the correspondence principle for the Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equations - صفحه:1-6

  tick  Properties of nanoscale copper oxide thin film deposited by plasma focus device - صفحه:1-10

  tick  The dynamics of plasmoid instability in the presence of asymmetric parallel shear flow - صفحه:1-8

  tick  The influence of Hively and Bosch-Hale reactivities on hot ion mode in deuterium/helium-3 fuel - صفحه:1-8

  tick  The spatial damping of electrostatic wave in Hall thruster beam plasma - صفحه:1-6

  tick  Transistors based on gallium nitride (GaN), growthtechniques, and nanostructures - صفحه:1-16

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