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   Holographic uncomplexity in the hyperscaling violating backgrounds  
نویسنده borvayeh zahra ,tanhayi mohammad reza ,rafibakhsh shahnoosh
منبع journal of theoretical and applied physics - 2021 - دوره : 15 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:1 -9
چکیده    In this paper, using complexity equals action proposal, we investigate holographic complexity for hyperscalingviolating theories on different subregions of space-time enclosed by the null boundaries. by recalling thecomputation of on-shell action for certain subregions of the intersection between the wheeler dewitt patch,as well as, the future interior of a two-sided black brane, we are interested in compute uncomplexity in thehyperscaling violating theories . we show that the dynamical exponent plays a crucial role in computingthe rate of complexification. however, at the late time,the rate of the complexity growth is independent of thehyperscaling parameters. moreover, we compute holographic uncomplexity in hyperscaling violating backgroundsand show when a black hole is formed, uncomplexity is the total space-time volume which is accessible to anobserver who decides to pass over the horizon. therefore, uncomplexity could be considered as a resourcewhich indicates the computational power of a system. in fact, it can extract and analyze the useful informationfrom the system.
آدرس islamic azad university, science and research branch, department of physics, Iran, islamic azad university, central tehran branch, department of physics, Iran. institute for research in fundamental sciences, school of physics, Iran, islamic azad university, science and research branch, department of physics, Iran

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