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   Dependence of the optical activity of nano-sculptured copper thin films on the structural parameters and the dispersion of the dielectric function  
نویسنده Babaei F. ,Savaloni H.
منبع journal of theoretical and applied physics - 2010 - دوره : 3 - شماره : 4 - صفحه:39 -44
چکیده    Influence of the structural parameters (namely, angle of rise, half structural period, volume fraction of metal inclusion,columns shape factor, thickness) and the dielectric dispersion function on the optical activity of axially excitedchiral nano-sculptured copper thin films are investigated for both s and p linearly polarized lights, using bruggemanhomogenization formalism in conjunction with the experimentally available relative dielectric constants for the bulkcopper. it is observed that for both s and p polarizations the maximum of optical activity shifts towards longer wavelengthswith increasing the half structural period, volume fraction of metal inclusion and the film thickness, while itshifts towards shorter wavelengths with increasing the transverse aspect ratio of the columns. the circular braggphenomenon is clearly observed when the angle of rise increased from 20° to 45°. comparison of spectral resultsshows that the dispersion of the dielectric function has a considerable effect on the results.
کلیدواژه Optical activity ,Chiral nano-sculptured thin films ,Bruggeman homogenization
آدرس university of qom, Department of Physics, ایران, university of tehran, Department of Physics, ایران

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