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   Contributions on Laser Driven Inertial Confinement Fusion  
نویسنده Hora H.
منبع journal of theoretical and applied physics - 2007 - دوره : 1 - شماره : 2 - صفحه:11 -19
چکیده    The following modifie d preprin t of a chapter in the forthcoming book by guillermo velarde pioneers on inertialconfinement fusion energy with personal comments, is pre sented here as an example about the long years difficultdevelopments towa rds the aim for producing unlimited . safe and clean nuclear energy in the same way as it is theenergy source of the sun. there are arguments that the most recent developments with the plasma block ignitionusing petawatt-picosec ond lase r pul ses may leas to a fusion power station with a highly simplified operation suchthat the cos t of electricity may be three or more times lower than any energy source on earth, openi ng the golden agewith dramatic consequences for human life and environment. applied sciences in all fie lds, economics and politicsmay be stimulated ju st by considering these consequences though these new results on inertial fusion energy (le e)need to be furth er examined and developed on a broad basis.
آدرس Univers ity of New South Wales, Department of Theoretical Physics, Austra lia

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