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   Joint Experiments on Small Tokamaks  
نویسنده Van Oost G. ,Berta M ,Brotankova J. ,Dejamac R. ,Del Bosco E. ,Dufkova E. ,Duran J. ,Gryaznevich M. P. ,Hrorr M. ,Malaquias A. ,Mank G. ,Pelernan P. ,Sentkerestiova J. ,Stockel J. ,Weinzettl V. ,Zoletnik S. ,Balazs T. ,Ferreira J. ,Fonseca A. ,Hegazy H. ,Kuznetsov Y. ,Ossyannikov A. ,Sing A. ,Sokholov M. ,Talebitaher A.
منبع journal of theoretical and applied physics - 2007 - دوره : 1 - شماره : 1 - صفحه:1 -7
چکیده    The ist joint (host laboratory) experiment on joint research using small tokamaks has been carried out usingthe ipp prague experimental facility castor tokamak. the main experimental programme was aimed to characterizethe edge plasma in a tokamak by using different advanced diagnostic techniques. it is widely recognized thatcharacterization of phenomena occurring at the plasma edge is essential for understanding of the plasma confinementin a tokamak. the edge plasma in small and large scale experiments has many similar features, and the results obtainedthrough detailed measurements in a small flexible device such as castor are in many aspects still relevantto those in large tokamaks. therefore. it is expected that results of this joint experiment will have a general validity
آدرس Ghent University, Department of Applied Physics, Belgium, KFKJ-RMKI. Association EURATOM, Hungary, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute ofPlasma Physics, Check republic, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute ofPlasma Physics, Check republic, INPE, Sdo Jose dos Campos, Brazil, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute of Plasma Physics, Check repuplic, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute ofPlasma Physics, Check republic, EURATOMlUKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, UK, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute ofPlasma Physics, Check republic, IAEA, NAPC Physics Section, Austria, IAEA, NAPC Physics Section, Austria, Ghent University, Department of Applied Physics, Belgium, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute ofPlasma Physics, Check republic, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute ofPlasma Physics, Check republic, Association EURATOMlIPP, Institute ofPlasma Physics, Check republic, KFKJ-RMKI, Association EURATOM, Hungary, 2KFKJ-RMKI, Association EURATOM, Hungary, INPE, Sdo Jose dos Campos, Brazil, Universitv of Siio Paulo, Institute of Physics, . Brazil, EAEA, Egypt, Universitv ofSiio Paulo, Institute of Physics, Brazil, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, University of Saskatchewan, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Canada, RRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia, islamic azad university, Plasma Physics Research Center, ایران

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