aut journal of electrical engineering
سال:2018 - دوره:50 - شماره:2
a developed asymmetric multilevel inverter with lower number of components
- صفحه:197-206
a multi-objective transmission expansion planning strategy: a bilevel programming method
- صفحه:163-168
a thinning method of linear and planar array antennas to reduce sll of radiation pattern by gwo and ica algorithms
- صفحه:135-140
control reconfiguration of a boiler-turbine unit after actuator faults
- صفحه:187-196
estimation of the domain of attraction of free tumor equilibrium point for perturbed tumor immunotherapy model
- صفحه:157-162
grid impedance estimation using several short-term low power signal injections
- صفحه:169-176
improved channel estimation for dvb-t2 systems by utilizing side information on ofdm sparse channel estimation
- صفحه:129-134
incorporating wind power generation and demand response into security-constrained unit commitment
- صفحه:141-148
model predictive control of distributed energy resources with predictive setpoints for gridconnected operation
- صفحه:109-120
optimal dc fast charging placing and sizing in iran capital (tehran)
- صفحه:149-156
response of a saline solution containing a macromolecule to an external electric field
- صفحه:121-128
traffic scene analysis using hierarchical sparse topical coding
- صفحه:177-186
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