Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell into Chonderocyte Like Cells 3D Poly Lactic Acid Glycosaminoglycan (PCL-GAG) Nano Fibre Scaffold
Sahlolbei Maryam ,Solemani Masoud ,Razmi Nematollah ,Amirizadeh Naser
anatomical sciences journal - 2013 - دوره : 10 - شماره : 3 - صفحه:151 -159
Introduction: failure of human body tissue and organs is believed to be one of the mostimportant health problems all over the world. the great challenge for tissue engineers is tooptimize suitable systems to separate, proliferate and differentiate the cells so that they can setout to create tissue by a harmonic 3-d growth. therefore, the tissue engineers must provide anenvironment like the living cells environment.methods: in this study, to increase efficiency, the nano fiber structure of poly lactic acidmodified with glycosaminoglycan. then the mesenchymal cells of bone marrow cultured onthis 3-d structure with differentiated media culture of tgf-ß .to investigate differentiation,the genes expressed in cartilages tissue were used containing collagen gene, aggrecan andsox9. the expression of gene confirmed by quality method of reverse transcriptase pcrthen quantitatively examined by real –time pcr.results: the finding showed that using nano fiber scaffold of poly lactic acid modified withglycosaminoglycan leads to the increase of expression of cartilage gene.conclusion: our findings indicated that gag/pcl nano fiber scaffold enhances thedifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into cartilage.this can help to overcome thelimitations of tissue engineering.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells ,PCL Nano Fiber ,Scaffold ,Glycoseaminoglycan.
islamic azad university, Department of Biochemistry, ایران, Stem Cell Technology Research Center, ایران. tarbiat modares university, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Hematology Department, ایران, islamic azad university, Department of Biochemistry, ایران, Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Research Center, ایران